@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001411, author = {伊藤, 僚 and Ito, Ryo}, journal = {日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要, The journal of University Educational Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {ヒトは屋外で運動を行う際に,様々な環境に暴露される.筆者はこれまでの研究で降雨を伴う寒冷環境でヒトが走運動を行った際,核心温の低下と酸素摂取量,血中乳酸濃度の上昇が起こることを報告した.しかしながらこれまでに降雨環境を設定し,運動中の生理的応答をみた研究は少ない.そこで本研究は降雨を伴った中性温環境が運動中の体温調節,エネルギー代謝反応に及ぼす影響を検討した.被験者は健康な男性 7 名とし,環境温 24℃で制御された人工気象室内のトレッドミル上を 70%VO2max強度の走運動を 30 分間,①降雨あり (RAIN) ②降雨なし(CON) の 2 条件で行った.尚,運動中は各被験者の走速度と等しい向かい風を被験者の前方から当てた.測定項目は直腸温,皮膚温,酸素摂取量,心拍数,主観的運動強度,血中乳酸濃度とした.その結果,RAIN の直腸温は運動開始直後,平均皮膚温は運動中,CON と比較して有意に低い値を示し (p<0.05),血中乳酸濃度は運動開始 10 分時に有意に高い値を示した (p<0.05).以上のことから,中性温環境下における降雨は,) 蓄熱量および,運動による熱産生量が少ない運動開始初期に核心温の低下を引き起こす,) 筋温の低下あるいは筋血流量の減少によって無酸素性エネルギー供給機構への寄与が高まり,その結果,血中乳酸濃度が上昇することが示唆された., Title: Effects of Rain on thermoregulatory and metabolic responses while running in a thermoneutral condition in humans. Introduction: Environmental factors tend to influence the performance of individuals who exercise for extended periods. We previously showed that rain increased energy expenditure and blood lactate concentrations and decreased the core temperature during exercise in the cold1). However, there was a little study about physiological responses during exercise in the rain. Purpose: The present study aimed to determine thermoregulatory and metabolic responses while running exercise in the thermoneutral condition. Methods: 7 healthy men ran on a treadmill at 70%VO2max intensity for 30 min in a climatic chamber at an ambient temperature of 24℃ in the presence (RAIN) or absence (CON) of 30 mm/h of precipitation. Rectal temperature, mean skin temperature, oxygen consumption, heart rate perceived exertion and blood lactate concentrations were measured. Results: Rectal temperature were significantly lower (p<0.05) in RAIN than in CON at 5 min during exercise. Mean skin temperature were significantly lower (p<0.05) in RAIN than in CON during exercise. Oxygen consumption, heart rate and perceived exertion were not significantly differences between RAIN and CON. Blood lactate concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.05) in RAIN than in CON. Conclusion: When exercising in a thermoneutral condition, rain cooled body core and increase the blood lactate concentrations via cold stress at the initial period of exercise.}, pages = {1--5}, title = {中性温環境下における降雨が走運動中のヒトの体温調節・エネルギー代謝反応に及ぼす影響}, volume = {2}, year = {2014}, yomi = {イトウ, リョウ} }