@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001416, author = {伊藤, 僚 and Ito, Ryo}, journal = {日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要, The journal of University Educational Center}, month = {Mar}, note = {ヒトは水中運動時にも発汗が起きることが明らかになっているが,実際の部活動練習時を対象とした実践的データは乏しい.そこで本研究は大学生競泳選手の水中練習中の発汗量および飲水量を明らかにすることを目的とし,5 月 (以下 May とする) と 8 月 (以下 August とする) に測定を行った.その結果,水中運動時も陸上で行う夏季部活動練習時の発汗量と同等となり得ることが明らかとなった.また,気温,水温,WBGT は May が August と比較して低い値であったにも関わらず,May の発汗量は August と比較して有意に高い値を示し,その原因として運動強度の違いが示唆された.さらに両調査日において多くの選手が発汗量に見合った水分補給を行えておらず,脱水率が 2%を超える者がいた.水中運動時にも水分補給率を高めるための休息や飲水方法について検討を要することが示唆された., Title: Survey of sweat rate and water consumption by competitive university swimmers during practice. Introduction: Humans sweat as a response to regulate body temperature, but only a few studies on the amount of both the variation in sweat rate and water consumption during aquatic exercise have been conducted. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to survey changes in the sweat rate and amount of water consumed by competitive university swimmers during practice, and to provide new findings on sweat rate and water consumption during aquatic exercise. Methods: The subjects were 26 competitive Olympic- or Japanese national university tournament-level swimmers (20 males and 6 females) who belonged to the same university swim team. Sweat rate, water consumption, water temperature, and WBGT were measured during two separate practice times, once in both May and August. Results: The sweat rate was 9.3±3.5 g/kg/hr in May and 4.6±2.3 g/kg/hr in August. The amount of water consumed was 3.4±1.7 g/kg/hr in May and 3.9±2.3 g/kg/hr in August. The dehydration rate was 1.2±0.6% in May and 0.4±0.5% in August. Discussion and conclusion: During summer, the athletes had nearly the same sweat rate during water exercise as land exercise, but consumed somewhat less water. The sweat rate was shown to be significantly higher in May than in August (P<0.05), suggesting that the amount of sweat produced during water exercise is affected by the intensity of the regimen. It may be necessary to modify both the training environment and regimen and to encourage water consumption during aquatic exercise as actively as during land exercise.}, pages = {53--59}, title = {大学競泳選手の練習時における飲水量及び発汗量の実態調査}, volume = {2}, year = {2014}, yomi = {イトウ, リョウ} }