@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002264, author = {丸山, 高志 and 和田, 郁雄 and 浅井, 友詞 and 森本, 浩之 and 渡辺, 元夫 and 林, 史人 and Everett, B. Lohman and Eric, G. Johnson and Kashiwa, Naoko and Maruyama, Takashi and Wada, Ikuo and Asai, Yuji and Morimoto, Hiroyuki and Watanabe, Motoo and Hayashi, Fumihito and Everett, B. Lohman and Eric, G. Johnson and Kashiwa, Naoko}, journal = {日本福祉大学健康科学論集, Journal of health sciences, Nihon Fukushi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate muscle activation using electromyography (EMG), postural control using computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) and spatioal body movements using accelerometery in different conditions in healthy young and older adults. METHOD: Nine healthy young adults and eight healthy older adults without history of neurological disease or falls participated in this study. Postural control was measured using the NeuroCom Equi-test CDP in 6 different conditions. Spatial body movements were measured by an accelerometer placed on the top of subject's head, sacrum and lateral knee joint. RESULTS: Compared to the young adults, healthy older adults had lower postural control scores in conditions 2, 5 and 6; spatial body movements were larger in forward-backward direction during condition 5 and in vertical direction during condition 6. EMG of Tibialis Anterior, Stenocreidmastoid and Rectus Abdominals in the older adults were more activated. CONCLUSION: Young adults were able to maintain better postural control with lower muscle activation compared to older adults.}, pages = {35--42}, title = {若年者と高齢者の姿勢制御時における空間的身体動揺の検討}, volume = {16}, year = {2013}, yomi = {マルヤマ, タカシ and ワダ, イクオ and アサイ, ユウジ and モリモト, ヒロユキ and ワタナベ, モトオ and ハヤシ, フミヒト and カシワ, ナオコ} }