@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002272, author = {小田, 恭史 and 浅井, 友詞 and 若林, 諒三 and 森本, 浩之 and 仁木, 淳一 and 石田, 和人 and 和田, 育雄 and 佐久間, 英輔 and 若林, 健二郎 and Oda, Yasufumi and Asai, Yuji and Wakabayashi, Ryozou and Morimoto, Hiroyuki and Niki, Junichi and Ishida, Kazuto and Wada, Ikuo and Sakuma, Eisuke and Wakabayashi, Kenjirou and Everett, B. Lohman III and Eric, G. Johnson}, journal = {日本福祉大学健康科学論集, Journal of health sciences, Nihon Fukushi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cervicocephalic kinesthetic training on postural stability and neck joint position sense in healthy young adults. METHOD: 33 subjects were recruited for this study and randomly divided into training (n=16) and control groups (n=17). The training group performed cervicocephalic kinesthetic training for 5 minutes per day for 10 days and the control group performed the same training but with eyes closed to eliminate visual feedback. All training sessions for both groups were performed under supervision. Pre and post cervical joint position sense and sensory organization testing (SOT) were measured on both groups. RESULT: Significant differences were found in cervical joint position sense and SOT condition 6 in the training group. No significant differences were found in SOT condition1-5 in both groups and cervical joint position in the control group. CONCLUSION: The improvements of postural stability and cervical joint position sense after 10 days of cervicocephalic kinesthetic training suggest that cervical joint position sense may may be beneficial for postural stability in healthy young adults.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {頚部固有感覚トレーニングが重心動揺に及ぼす影響についての研究}, volume = {17}, year = {2014}, yomi = {オダ, ヤスフミ and アサイ, ユウジ and ワカバヤシ, リョウゾウ and モリモト, ヒロユキ and ニキ, ジュンイチ and イシダ, カズト and ワダ, イクオ and サクマ, エイスケ and ワカバヤシ, ケンジロウ} }