@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002323, author = {小嶌, 健一 and 白石, 成明 and Kojima, Kenichi and Shiraishi, Nariaki}, journal = {日本福祉大学健康科学論集, Journal of health sciences, Nihon Fukushi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The factor that related the outcome of the stroke patient who received rehabilitation and left hospital ahead was examined. The object was assumed to be 1,456 convalescence rehabilitation ward people who had been registered to the rehabilitation patient data bank. The induced variable of the method was the outcome separately ahead besides home and home. And, the item from which relativity with the destination of leaving hospital was seen was assumed to be an autonomous variable and the logistic regression was analyzed. Patients who home left hospital were 1,100 people (rate of home leaving hospital 75.5%). About the result of turning on seven items from which relativity with the destination of leaving hospital is seen. It was suggested that it be an effective means to press home leaving hospital even if devising the rehabilitation program to advance independent training to improving the conference execution frequency and the patient considered the factor like patient's ADL ability and nursing power, etc.}, pages = {9--17}, title = {脳卒中リハビリテーション患者の自宅退院と関連する因子の検討-リハビリテーション患者データバンク登録データを活用して-}, volume = {18}, year = {2015}, yomi = {コジマ, ケンイチ and シライシ, ナリアキ} }