@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002847, author = {坂野, 裕洋 and Banno Yasuhiro}, journal = {日本福祉大学健康科学論集, The Journal of Health Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study conducted a comparative assessment of the effects of low intensity lower limb pedaling exercise on the stress sensitivity and pain threshold in healthy subjects and those with chronic stiff neck or lower back pain. The results showed a reduction in pain threshold depending on the applied mechanical stress in both healthy and chronic pain groups. The individuals with chronic pain felt pain more intensely compared to the healthy individuals, and showed a significant reduction in pain threshold. We conclude that low intensity lower limb pedaling may cause an increase in stress sensitivity accompanied by a reduction in pain threshold in both healthy individuals and chronic pain patients.}, pages = {19--25}, title = {低強度の下肢ぺダリング運動がストレス感受性と疼痛閾値に与える影響}, volume = {20}, year = {2017}, yomi = {バンノ, ヤスヒロ} }