@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003290, author = {小泉, 純一 and KOIZUMI, Junichi}, issue = {8}, journal = {日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要, The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center, Nihon Fukushi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Shel Silverstein is a versatile artist. He didn't write a novel but wrote poems, a story with a picture, was a song writer and sung his poems and songs. He drew a cartoon to some of his poems. He grasped the limits of a picture and a word as a cartoonist. A picture gives a clue in some of his poems. In some poems a sound gives a hint. Most of his works are made for reciting and singing. In this paper I will show how sounds resonate in his poems, and analyze the effects that the words, images and sounds produce. We can see a lot of private movies where a child and a student recite his poems on the net. Some celebrities such as Whoopi Goldberg and the rapper, T-pain recite them too. Also some university students played a musical based on Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends. Why do they recite or perform his poems? By analyzing their reciting and performance I will show the reason. Reciting a pome basically gives them pleasure or emotional catharsis. Voicing out makes one feel better. It is easy to understand English by listening while it is easy to understand Japanese by reading. In English education we should realize this trait of English that oral expression should be stressed as a crucial segment. In reality so scarce time is allowed to recitation or voicing of words in English education in Japan. As a poem is emotional and rather short it is good for recitation. Silverstein's poetry is popular with children in U.S. and they are willing to recite it. It's funny and takes the side of children. These traits must be true to Japanese students. Reciting poetry will not only improve a student's competence of English but make them realize its rhythmic pattern and beauty which will be incentive to study.}, pages = {85--100}, title = {シェル・シルヴァスタインの詩の音が持つ力:ウーピー・ゴールドバーグたちは何故彼の作品をリサイトするのか}, year = {2020}, yomi = {コイズミ, ジュンイチ} }