@article{oai:nfu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003745, author = {千葉, 遼 and 中尾, 綾 and 山本, 真史 and 荒木, 雅信 and CHIBA, Haruka and NAKAO, Aya and YAMAMOTO Shinji and ARAKI, Masanobu}, journal = {日本福祉大学スポーツ科学論集, The Journal of Sport Sciences, Nihon Fukushi University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The relationship between transformational leadership behaviors of leaders in college sports and team resilience of designated strengthening clubs was studied. The participants were 83 athletes (female n=37, male n=46) who were members of a strengthening club at N University. The questionnaires used in this study were the DTLI and the CREST. Results revealed a positive correlation between leaders' transformational leadership behaviors and team resilience. However, since only one university was included in this study, future data sampling should be nationalized to identify specifically what the leadership behaviors of leaders are.}, pages = {45--54}, title = {【研究ノート】 大学スポーツにおける指導者の変革型リーダーシップ行動と強化指定クラブのチームレジリエンスの関係についての研究}, volume = {6}, year = {2023}, yomi = {チバ, ハルカ and ナカオ, アヤ and ヤマモト, シンジ and アラキ, マサノブ} }